
A better idea for your CRM to connect your customers – A Hong Kong Case Study for a FMCG Chain Store

CRM is important in any business. The key is to bring new shoppers and retain previous customers. Best Mart 360 has worked with QPMN for a special offer.

Every company wants to make big profits, and we all know that the key is more shoppers and sales. Customer relationship management (CRM) has become a major topic in any business plan. Apart from attracting new customers, you also need to retain as many as possible. Hope they will come back, buy again and again from you in the future…

Take the retail business as an example. Companies have various approaches to try to convince customers to stay loyal. Membership is the common strategy, and members are often offered special discounts or exclusive offers. The last thing you can do is to remind them about your brand every now and then. Let’s bring them your latest offers or new products, to stimulate their interest to return…

Does offering members gifts work?

For the sake of CRM, we often see business offering branded accessories, like tote bags, fanny packs and keychains, for their customers or members. This is important to keep your brand and business in their memories as long as possible.

However, it could be costly and the effectiveness may be questionable at times. It takes much time, effort as well as money to organize such a campaign. You have to find or design a cool item and then order batches of them. Besides, it consumes resources to distribute them to the branches, and promote the deal to your members. In other words, this is a lot of work to try to catch your customers’ attention…

Nonetheless, this is still helpful to help connect your customer. But, there is a smarter way of doing the same thing. Let’s see a recent example in Bestmart 360 below: They have been working with QPMN, and coming up with a much easier and simpler way, with no hassle…

How Bestmart 360 does differently in CRM

Bestmart 360 is a Hong Kong chain store that sells all kinds of snacks. It is a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 2019 and has 110 stores in HK as of 2021.

Recently, the company decided to launch a marketing campaign for members. They want to offer them discounts for some specially designed merchandise, namely phone bags, and jigsaw puzzles. They are normally promoted at stores when customers are paying at the counter. However, doing it online has provided several advantages for both shops and customers:

  • No need to distribute the merchandise to all your branches prior to the launch.
  • Shops do not have to spare extra room for storage of the items.
  • There is no “out of stock” of a popular item at any branch, which may disappoint your customers.
  • There is no extra workload on the staff and saves time on training.
  • No need for any updates on the cashier or other systems.
  • Customers do not need to be rushed into a decision of taking the offer or not at the counter.

Bestmart 360 works with QPMN and opens an online shop on our SnapShop platform. We have offered plenty of products for sale. For a start, the company has decided to try out phone bags and jigsaw puzzles. The former is such a handy accessory in our daily living, while puzzles are always one of the best toys for any age.

There are various designs for each item, and customers can then make further customizations on top. This includes uploading their own images, adding stickers, and writing messages. You can position, rotate or change the colors of the elements on the item, with our easy-to-use builder system.

The bonus merchandise is no longer some boring and dull branded tote bags or keychains. Instead, these products are designed by each customer and are unique to anyone. Even better, this also makes such great gift ideas for family and friends.

Best Mart 360 has offered special custom phone bag for their members, which is an essential accessory to bring every day.

Better Offers, Better CRM

Bonus offers are common practices in business to invite customers to visit and purchase again. This is also the ultimate goal of CRM. The customizability and uniqueness are an edge over any similar offers. According to statistics, personalized items have been a market trend in recent years. Customers are willing to spend more on custom products.

These products are at a higher level than the normal branded tote bags or keychains. Those are usually plain in design or even of average quality, which most customers may not even pick up again and make use of. It means that it is not helpful to your CRM after all…

Our products are guaranteed in high quality for both the products and printing. Our phone bags and tote bags are durable, dirt-proof, and water-resistant. With our experience and expertise in paper products, our jigsaw puzzles and playing cards are regarded as among the best in the market.

This is to offer privileges to your members, where giving them freedom and options. Customers just like to be in charge, and also want to be special among others.

Benefits of Offering Merchandise with QPMN

If you already have an online store, our QPMN plugin is the easiest way to connect to our system, and import products for sale. Alternatively, in case you are yet to own an e-shop, you can simply register an account at SnapShop.

The above services are free to install and register respectively. We only charge when you order products from us, upon receiving purchases from your customers. In a business sense, you can adjust the prices and create the profit margin you want. Therefore, not only does it raise brand awareness in the market and help connect to your members, but it also provides you with some extra revenues at a low cost.

This is quick and easy, without the need for extra manpower on your end. In the case of Bestmart 360, our designer team has handled all the web design and setup. It took only a few weeks to have everything ready and launch online.

With the help of dropshipping and print-on-demand (POD), QPMN will take care of most of the workload for you. All you need to do is to pass the customers’ orders to us, and we will take care of the rest. This includes production, packaging, and shipping the items directly to your customers.

Note that you do not need to deal with factories for product manufacture, and make pre-orders. Internally, you do not have to handle inventory, stock taking, distribution, packaging, and offer extra training to staff.

It also benefits your customers in many ways. They can accept your offers any time they want online, and take their time personalizing the products. Even better, this is going to be a unique product for themselves, or as a gift for their loved one.

Giveaways or bonus items are usually the same designs for everyone. But, here you have taken a simple step to basically offer a million versions online, which are distinctive to individual customers.

For your business, it saves you much time, effort, and money to achieve a better outcome. Offering more elegant merchandise means a better impression to your customers. This way, it is going to be a big boost for your CRM…

Jigsaw puzzles are great toys for anyone of any age. It makes a good bonus merchandise to remind your customers about your brand and business.


Not only can designers or artists productize their creations, but any business can also have its brand on the products this way. Should you have a mascot or character for your brand, this is a great idea to establish its image and further promote it to the public.

Everyone is looking for a breakthrough in their marketing strategy. Here we bring you an effective and efficient way to offer exclusive privileges to your members and customers. No more boring and identical tote bags or keychains that may virtually be a waste of your marketing budget…

This is a simpler and better marketing campaign at a low cost. We are here to make things easy for our business partners and provide all the support we can. All you need to do is pick the products and customize your design, and then promote them to your audiences. CRM is important, and better start planning early.